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Product code: TS08
Number view: 1129
Pesticide’s trade name: SHIELDKILL   10WG
Component: Indoxacarb … 6% + Emamectin benzoate … 4% + Additive… 90%
Product’s advantages:
- Contact action, strong-ingestion and translaminar activity.
- Combine two ingredients active to increase significantly effect of product on insects.
- High selectivity on useful organisms
Mode of action: Combine two ingredients active to increase significantly effect of product on insects:
- Emamectin benzoate penetrates leaf tissues (translaminar activity) and forms a reservoir within the leaf. This ingredient active impacts on neuronal system of insect.
- Indoxacarb penetrates into the insect andits main mode of action is via blocking of neuronal sodium channels.
Packing:  20g for sachet.
Result on the field: 
 Time applying
Dosage and Method of application
Rice leaf-folder
Spraying when the larvae is stage 1-2 and density about 10-20 larvae/m2
0.3 kg/ha.
Pray volume: 320 Liter for one hectare.
Rice stem borer
Spraying after stem borer moth appear 5-7 days.
Stem borer
Praying when density of larvae about 1-2/tree.
Bean pod borer
Spraying after Bean pod borer moths appear 5-7 days (Before larvae bore into bean pod).
- PHI: 7 days.

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